Family-Owned Business
You and your family built your business with integrity, incredibly hard work, and sleepless nights. You did not build your business with email and financial gimmickry. You have employees and communities that have grown to rely on you and your family. There may not be a clear cut succession path because you don't have children or your children are simply not involved in your business. You might have three or four children. Some of those children, or the children of other family members, may work in your business. Some of them might actually be talented senior executives that are just beginning their career. Your customers are probably close friends. We understand the issues you face when deciding to sell your business. We get it.
We have advised families through everything from an outright sale, to a recapitalization or restructuring, or to providing growth capital. All too often business owners are not informed that there are alternatives other than an outright sale of the company they built. Thus denying themselves an opportunity to reap the rewards of future growth. In today's market, we have been successful in helping owners understand alternative liquidity solutions that don't require the sale of the entire company.
We take time to get to know you and your family. We are serious about building long term relationships with families since we believe success breeds success. So we take a long term view of working with you. We believe a successful outcome in a single transaction leads to other opportunities for us to partner in the future. To borrow a phrase from one family business owner we have been working with for several years, "We want to win with the winners".
The principals at Aspen have collectively been involved in hundreds of transactions in public and private companies which are often family controlled. We also represent buyers of family businesses and therefore understand these types of transactions from multiple perspectives. We understand that in most cases, families exiting a lifelong commitment are doing a "deal" for the first time in their lives. Strong companies tend to be built by strong personalities. Owners who are accustomed to being experts, will suddenly find themselves thrown into a situation they have never faced. Again, we get it.
We welcome inquiries and look forward to learning about you, your family, and your Company.
Click here to read case studies about family-owned business transactions completed by Aspen.